Schoorl Dunes

From camping Strand49, you can reach the Schoorlse Duinen by car in just fifteen minutes! Follow one of the marked walking routes and choose your own route.

Evolution of nature

A unique project called "De Kerf", an example of dynamic coastal management, was carried out in the former sand pit of the Schoorl dunes. Traditional Dutch coastal management, which aimed to preserve the coastline, proved to be ineffective and harmful to nature. In 1997, "De Kerf" was introduced to let nature take its course without jeopardizing safety. The result is a special landscape with rare flora and fauna. A visit to this area reveals a unique landscape formed by quicksand and seawater, leading to a nature reserve that exists nowhere else.

Experience the dunes

The dunes of Schoorl are beautiful all year round, each season has its own charm. In spring you can enjoy the birdsong, in summer the flowers bloom and cover the landscape with a white blanket of orchids. In the fall, the heather turns purple and in the winter, hoarfrost hangs on the trees. If you camp on Strand49 in summer, you can be in the Schoorl dunes within 15 minutes by car, a great outing for the whole family! There are additional activities especially for children in the nature reserve, such as the Zandspoor play forest with water playground and climbing ropes. Visit the website for more information.