Hoenderdaell estate


The area is home to a rich natural environment, originally a mudflat area. The area is influenced only by natural processes, allowing unique flora to thrive, stimulated by historical excavations and filling with sea mud. These factors also explain the varied landscapes.

In addition to the zoo, the nature reserve offers opportunities to observe wildlife such as deer, emus and Scottish Highlanders, as well as a variety of birds and tracks of other wild animals. For nature lovers, this hiking area is a must-visit in North Holland!


The zoo houses a diversity of animals, from pumas and tigers to bears and wolves, and from macaws and pheasants to red nose bears and snowy owls, and everything in between. For the little ones, there is a beautiful playground and several dining options for a snack or drink. What makes the zoo truly unique is the opportunity to observe the animals up close and even feed them. In the Lori Garden, children can buy trays of honey water to feed to the brightly colored parrots, which are always curious and like to make contact.

In addition to the parrots, there is also the opportunity to feed ring-tailed lemurs, at designated times throughout the park. Children are given carrots to feed the beautiful monkeys, who enthusiastically jump from visitor to visitor to enjoy their meal. The happy looks on the children's faces are priceless.


Since 2015, Hoenderdaell Zoo has had a hunting simulator, a remarkable innovation. This machine holds a piece of meat hanging from a rope and is operated by park staff with a joystick. It is extraordinary to see the animals running after this machine. With this system, the foundation behind this invention, Lion Foundation, wants to give the felines back their natural instinct, since hunting is an essential part of their natural behavior that cannot be fulfilled in the zoo.